Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More Random

Here are some pictures of Josh's big fish from last Saturday and one picture of Josh and I at Muster on April 21st...2 days before Braden was born!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Pictures

Here are 2 new pictures:

We are moving!

Josh just got off the phone with the relocation people and we have an official move date!!! They are coming to start packing 6th of May and will finish on the 7th. Our stuff will be delivered in Houma on the 9th. Our plan is to leave Victoria on the 7th and stay the night in Houston to help break of the trip. Then on the 8th we will drive the rest of the way and stay at the house that night so we will be there when they deliver the next morning. We are super excited about the move and ready for it to be here!!!

Braden's First Check Up

We took Braden into the pediatrician yesterday to check on his heart murmur and possible jaundice. His heart sounded good and the murmur was not there anymore!!! Thank goodness. The pediatrician sent us to the hospital for lab work to check on jaundice because he was a little bit yellow. We had the blood drawn (he fell asleep through it and never cried!) and the doctor just called with the results! His bilirubin levels were 10.9 which is normal for a newborn and she said that he does not have jaundice! So happy that my little man is healthy! He has also gained weight already and has surpassed his birth weight. At birth he was 6lbs 10oz, when we left the hospital he was 6lbs 9oz and at 4 days he was 6lbs 13 oz (with clothes, so she guesses he is actually 6lbs 11oz).

We take him back for his "2 week" appointment on Tuesday of next week.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Welcome to the world Braden Michael! Part 2

I guess it won't let you post as many pictures as I are some more!

Welcome to the world Braden Michael!

Braden was born on April 23rd at 11:27am. He weighed 6lbs 10oz and was 19.25 inches long. I will post his birth story sometime in the next few days, but here are some pictures to start with!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Here is a picture of Josh and me with Coach Jackie Sherrill from the A&M Club Pre-Muster Luncheon yesterday:

Here are some pictures of Rowdy and Sarge with their new hair cuts for the summer (and one of Aggie for comparison):

Monday, April 20, 2009


I went in to give Hunter some cough medicine last night at about midnight and as I got to his door this is what I found:

He was completely asleep by the time I got the camera and took a picture, so no cough medicine...but I had to share the picture!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

37 Weeks

Here are the new belly pictures:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is it working??

Hunter is definitely showing signs of wanting to start potty training....

  • When I go to the bathroom, he wants to strip down and sit on his potty.
  • Asking about pull-ups
  • Talking about being a "big boy like James" (his friend at day care).
  • Trying to help with diaper changes
I am a bit nervous to try potty training so close to having the baby and the "big move".

This weekend, as I went to the restroom, Hunter said "Hunter go potty" and he stripped down and sat on his potty. He covered his "pee pee" and then proceeded to point to it. He then looked at me and said with a really concerned look "Mommy, is it working?".........

I almost fell over laughing it was so cute the seriousness in his question!

To potty train or not....that is the question!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

36 Week Appointment

I had my 36 week appointment this morning and was super excited that I was in the drs office after 5 minutes of waiting...that is SO not the norm. Don't get me wrong, they are always pretty quick, but today was super quick!!!

I had called yesterday because I wasn't feeling much movement and wanted to make sure that I didn't need to be worried, but by the time I got to the appt, movement was back to normal!

I asked her about leaking fluids...she checked...and my "bag of fluids is still in tact".

The baby's heartbeat was in the 140s.

My belly was measuring 34 weeks which is about 2 1/2 weeks behind which calls for an ultrasound to make sure everything is progressing properly. She did say that since I am so tall, there is probably nothing to worry about because there is plenty of room for him in there....I figure if she were really concerned, she wouldn't wait until next week to do it, so I am excited to get to see the little man one more time!

The outside of my cervix is open but the inside is closed...which means "absolutely nothing, the baby could come tonight or it could be 6 more weeks".

My next appt is on April 22nd at 9:30am with an ultrasound to check on the baby! Luckily, Josh will be back in town in time for that appointment. Keep your fingers crossed that we make it to that appointment!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Pictures

Hunter had a great Easter. He participated in 2 Easter Egg was in our neighborhood and had 22 kids participating in 8 years! It was so fun! He won a prize for getting the second most eggs in his age group! He got 22 eggs! The second was for Schlumberger Spouses Association. Here are some pictures from the two hunts:

LOOK! I got an egg!!!

Hunting Eggs:

The SSA participants in his age group:

"Counting" his eggs like the big kids in the neighborhood!

Painting Eggs with Mommy! (I was REALLY impressed that he sat there for so long!)

POP IT! Hunter had so much fun playing with the gigantic balloons! He kept screaming "Pop it!" and took many balloons to Pa Pa Mike !

Look at what the Easter Bunny brought:

SO excited about his present from Grandmama and Pa Pa Mike:

Blowing bubbles in the backyard:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Cupcake Bites

One of my favorite blogs is It is an awesome blog with MANY great recipes and super creative ideas! I decided to give one of her recipes a try today and made cupcake bites! SO FUN! My pictures really don't do them justice....but they turned out super cute!